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Social Media Profiles & Blogs

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Connect with students in your specific program. Check out and follow the social media profiles and blogs from the 22 academic departments throughout the university.

School of Acting

School of Advertising

School of Animation & Visual Effects

School of Art Education

School of Art History

School of Communications & Media Technologies

School of Fashion

School of Fashion: Styling

School of Fine Art: Painting

School of Fine Art: Painting & Printmaking

School of Fine Art: Sculpture

School of Game Development

School of Graphic Design

School of Illustration

School of Industrial Design

School of Interaction & UI/UX Design

School of Interior Architecture & Design

School of Jewelry & Metal Arts

School of Landscape Architecture

School of Motion Pictures & Television

School of Music Production & Sound Design for Visual Media

School of Photography

School of Visual Development

School of Writing for Film, Television & Digital Media

Social Media Center