Accessibility Resources
Ensuring access to a world-class arts education is available to everyone.
Accommodations & Support Services for Students with Disabilities

In alignment with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the department of Accessibility Resources ensures equal access to university curriculum, programs, and facilities for students with disabilities by facilitating reasonable accommodations, providing support services, and collaborating with the greater community to meet students’ individual needs.
Accessibility Resources can help you:
- Obtain accommodations and access to information, materials, and the campus
- Manage disability-related challenges
- Create strategies for learning based on your unique style, strengths and limitations
- Become your own advocate to successfully interact with your instructors and peers
- Find qualified professionals for educational testing or personal concerns
Accessibility Resources
Email: accessibility@academyart.edu
Phone: 1-415-618-3775
Obtaining Academic Accommodations
Disclosing that you have a disability is a personal decision. Upon enrolling at the Academy of Art University, new students who plan to request accommodations are encouraged to contact Accessibility Resources as soon as possible. Early identification can be the key to ensuring a smooth beginning to your semester. Often, accommodations can be time-consuming to coordinate. Advanced planning allows us to meet your needs and give you access to programs and services from day one.
How to register with Accessibility Resources
To obtain accommodations related to a disability, you must register with Accessibility Resources. Students are required to submit current and comprehensive documentation from a qualified professional, such as a doctor, licensed mental health practitioner, or learning specialist to Accessibility Resources. We suggest discussing the impact your disability may have on your desired course of study with your practitioner.
You will need to:
- Obtain documentation from your diagnosing professional that includes the following:
- Diagnosis
- How the disability will impact your experience at ArtU
- Recommended accommodations applicable to a university setting
- Email documentation to us at accessibility@academyart.edu
- Schedule a meeting with an Accessibility Representative to discuss accommodations needed for equal access.
Students with approved accommodations will receive an accommodation letter. These accommodations must be reactivated every semester. Unless your condition or needs change, new documentation is not required.
Accommodations in College
Obtaining accommodations in college is different from what you might be used to in K-12 schools. Students in the college setting will take the lead in requesting accommodations and will be asked to engage in an interactive process to register for accommodations. In K-12 the focus is on promoting student success. However, in college, universities are charged with providing “access” to students with disabilities. The transition from high school to college is a good opportunity to rethink the accommodations you may need that may be particular to our campus and curriculum.
For more information, visit the U.S. Department of Education’s website, which provides more information regarding preparation for college, as well as the rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities:
Disability-related information submitted to the Accessibility Resources office is kept in the strictest confidence and will only be released with the student’s written permission. We will not release any disability information or otherwise discuss student status to any outside party unless a Disability Release Form is signed by the student, and the person is specifically denoted on that disclosure form.
Once permission is granted, information regarding how to accommodate a student will be shared with the appropriate faculty and staff members.
Accessibility Resources
Email: accessibility@academyart.edu
Phone: 1-415-618-3775
Frequently Asked Questions
Can my mom or dad talk to you instead?
Will others find out about my disability?
I think I have a disability, but don't have official paperwork. Can I get assessed here?