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Campus Safety | Student Resources

Campus Safety | Student Resources

Academy of Art University does not tolerate drug or alcohol usage on university property or as part of sanctioned university events.

Campus Safety Mission

The Department of Campus Safety is a diversified organization providing professional safety services to its students, faculty and Administrators. The Campus Safety Team is a proactive, service-oriented agency trained to respond to the needs of the university and is staffed and equipped to protect with pride, sensitivity, and integrity.

Director's Message

We invite you to spend some time on this page to learn more about our department as well as our University Campuses. Our department is comprised of four divisions: a Patrol Team; Host Team; Communication Team; and a Crime Prevention Team. Our department services and educates a community of approximately 10,000 students, staff, and faculty from all over the world, housing and educating them at over 40 campuses in San Francisco. We offer our trained professional services to our community with pride, and stand ready to assist with all resources available to us. If you ever need to help or assistance please call our Communication Center at 415-618-3911.

Student ID Cards

Each undergraduate and graduate student of Academy of Art University is issued a Student Identification (ID) Card. Your ID card serves as proof of status with Academy of Art University and provides access to many resources provided by the university such as dining hall meals, access to buildings and residence halls, use of the libraries and athletic facilities, and a debit program for certain purchases.

All students must maintain and carry a current ID card for the entire period that they are affiliated with the university. You are responsible for the care and safekeeping of the ID card, and it should be protected and carried at all times. Protecting the ID card reduces the risk of abuse related to privileges and funds associated with the ID card and extends the life of the card. Holes should not be punched in the ID card and the use of stickers, pins, or other items affixed to the ID card is prohibited. No one other than the student to whom the card is issued is to use the ID card, and the card is the property of Academy of Art University and must be presented upon the request of an appropriate university official and may be revoked at any time by the University.

1. Obtaining the Student ID Card
The initial Student ID card is issued without charge and may be obtained from the Academy Campus Safety Command Center at 180 New Montgomery Room B-83.

2. Reporting a lost or stolen card
If you've lost your ID card, please report it as soon as possible. Placing a card on "lost" status protects you by de-activating the associated ID card privileges and funds. Report a stolen card to Academy of Art University Campus Safety Department either in person at 180 New Montgomery Street B-83 during normal building hours or by calling 1-415-618-3911 at any time. Once the card is reported as lost, it cannot be used by anyone until it is re-activated or is replaced by a newly printed card.

3. Replacing a Missing or Damaged ID Card
You can get a replacement ID card from the Academy Comm Center at 180 New Montgomery Street B-83 during normal building hours.

The process of obtaining a new ID card will include disabling other card(s) which you may have been issued.

If the most recently issued ID card becomes unusable due to normal wear and tear, it will be replaced at no charge.

If an ID card is stolen along with other valuables, it will be replaced at no charge with an accompanying police report from a valid police agency.

If for any other reason an ID card needs to be replaced, there is a $30.00 non-refundable ID card replacement fee, and can be obtained by either or the two methods listed below.

  1. Visiting the Accounts Receivable Dept. at 150 Hayes (4th floor) and pay the fee in person with cash, check, or credit card.
  2. Calling the Accounts Receivable Dept. at 415-618-6429, and pay the fee with a credit card.

Please present the email verification or hard copy receipt to the Academy Communication Center agent who will then process the new ID card.

Reload ID Card
Running low on Knight Kash? Login to reload your ID card or check your balance.

Crime Prevention Tips

Follow these tips to help you stay safe when you're out and about:

  • Always be aware of your surroundings and property in a public place
  • If you think someone or something is suspicious, request the police and/or Campus Safety to investigate your suspicions
  • Joggers should vary their times and locations of travel, using well lit and traveled locations for jogging
  • Don’t hitchhike or accept rides from strangers •Be careful when wearing or carrying expensive jewelry, or other items in public
  • Never leave possessions unattended on or off campus

Crime Prevention Unit

The Crime Prevention Unit is comprised of members of the Management, Patrol, Dispatch and Campus Host units, and is tasked with developing safety programs and disseminating information to the Academy community on crime prevention. The unit utilizes Campus Safety units as well as other outside resources to ensure a safe Academy community.

Reporting Crimes and Emergencies

Campus Safety Office—Open 24x7 Phone: 1-415-618-3911 or 1-415-618-3896

Other Contact Information:

Please dial 9-1-1 in an emergency.

By reporting crimes and suspicious circumstances directly to the Department of Campus Safety, we can include it in the Annual Campus Safety Report, and the Department of Campus Safety will be able to issue timely and appropriate warning bulletins. Reports can be made anonymously, and will be held in the strictest confidence.

If the worst happens..

What would you do if someone attacked you? Could you fight back or would you avoid resisting and wait to escape? Only you can decide whether to fight back, but preparing yourself for all possibilities could provide a split-second advantage:

  • If someone threatens you, shout and scream for help
  • Get to safety
  • You have every right to defend yourself with reasonable force with items that you have with you. Items such as an umbrella, hairspray, or keys can be used against an attacker, however, the law doesn't allow civilians to carry anything that could be described as an offensive weapon

If you have been attacked..

Assaults and rapes are serious crimes, whether committed by a stranger or someone you know. If you or someone you know is attacked:

  • Call Campus Safety—we need your help to catch the attacker. You can help the safety team by:
  1. Taking the name or address of any witness
  2. Trying to remember exactly what the attacker looked like
  3. If a car was involved, try to note the color, model, and license plate number
  • You do not need to go to the police station to report an assault and you can be interviewed in your own home if you wish. These crimes are dealt with sympathetically, regardless of gender. Police stations have specially trained officers to help and support you, and many areas have comfortable victim suites separate from the police station where you can be interviewed privately.

Additional Resources


Lost & Found

The Department of Campus Safety recovers various items that are lost or stolen. The Lost and Found Office is located at 180 New Montgomery Room B-83.


Key Request

Login to request a key.


Campus Safety Report

Download the 2017–2018 Campus Safety Report (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to wear my badge at all times on campus?

How else can I use my ID?

What should I do if my ID stops working?