EAP Classes
Get started in art and design classes with our English for Art Purposes program.
What Are EAP Classes?
English for Art Purposes is a program designed to get your art and design education started as soon as possible. You’ll learn to express yourself clearly in critiques, understand lectures, improve your reading skills and vocabulary, and write papers for class assignments–all with the support and guidance of the Academy of Art University’s ESL staff and instructors.
The ESL Placement Test
All international students who enroll in classes on the Academy of Art campus are required to take a language placement test to determine their proficiency in English. This exam, which is administered before the semester begins, will assess students' writing, reading, listening, vocabulary and grammar skills in English.
EAP Classes
Undergraduate international students who take the placement exam may be placed in one of the following English classes:
EAP_A English for Art Purposes Intensive
9 units - 30 hours
EAP_A at Academy of Art University introduces artists to the English language. The emphasis of this course is on the acquisition and application of basic grammar structures and the development of foundational skills in listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading, and writing. EAP_A teachers strive to help new international students learn the language and strategies they need to thrive at the Academy and in the Bay Area.
EAP_1 English for Art Purposes Intensive 1
9 units - 15 hours
This course helps high beginner undergraduate ESL students become more effective and accurate listeners, readers, writers, and speakers of English. Students learn to participate in Academy and American culture, and comprehend short conversations, lectures, and readings. Students complete basic academic writing assignments, participate in conversations and group discussions, and complete class presentations on class topics, American culture, and original art projects. Prerequisites: EAP_A, EAP B (or Placement Test)
EAP_2 English for Art Purposes 2
6 units - 9 hours
This course offers intermediate ESL instruction in speaking, listening, grammar, writing, pronunciation, reading, oral presentation, and cross-cultural communication skills relevant to the fields of art and design. Activities and materials are designed to increase comprehension and participation in foundations art classes. Students who register for EAP_2 must register for EAP-designated art classes. Prerequisites: Take EAP_1 (or Placement Test)
EAP_3 English for Art Purposes 3
6 units - 9 hours
This is a high-level intermediate ESL course that provides an in-depth review emphasizing oral presentation, descriptive essay development, art terminology, and language skills relevant to artists and designers. Students who register for EAP_3 should register for EAP-designated art classes. Prerequisites: Take EAP_2 (or Placement Test)
EAP_4 English for Art Purposes 4
3 units - 6 hours
This is an advanced ESL course that prepares students for Academy Liberal Arts classes. Students have the opportunity to refine all language skills while learning about various art and design disciplines. Oral presentations and analytical writing are emphasized. Students who register for EAP_4 may register for EAP-designated art classes. Prerequisites: Take EAP_3 (or Placement Test)
LA_103 Fundamentals of English
3 units
This class focuses on reading and writing comprehension skills for international students through methods and materials that enhance and further develop students’ artistic and academic performance at the undergraduate level. Prerequisites: Take EAP_4 (or Placement Test)
LA_106 Speaking & Listening for Artists
3 units
This course offers international students intensive practice in oral skills through methods and materials that enhance students’ artistic and academic performance. This course is required for students who do not have exceptional performance in ESL_4. Prerequisites: Take EAP_4 (or Placement Test)
LA_106 Speaking & Listening for Artists
3 units
This course offers international students intensive practice in oral skills through methods and materials that enhance students’ artistic and academic performance. This course is required for students who do not have exceptional performance in ESL_4. Prerequisites: Take EAP_4 (or Placement Test)
LA_107 Writing for the Multilingual Artist
3 units – (3 Hours)
This introductory writing course gives multilingual students foundation writing skills to succeed in their courses and professions. Writing assignments help students communicate their own artistic identity and analyses of art to specific audiences. Writing process, revision, and proofreading are emphasized. The course also develops sentence-level grammar and introduces research basics. Prerequisite: Non-native speaker with a grade of C- or higher in EAP 4 & LA 103 (or Placement Test)
LA 207: Persuasion & Argument for the Multilingual Writer
3.0 Units | Onsite
This course examines the art of rhetoric in creative nonfiction and persuasive arguments. Students learn to support their points of view with research, logic, and argumentation through critical readings of contemporary opinion pieces, and by expressing their own opinions on internationally relevant topics in written, thesis-based essays.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I retake Accuplacer if I am not happy with my scores?
What if my TOEFL or Accuplacer scores do not meet the minimum requirements?
Where and when is Accuplacer offered, and how can I sign up for it?