English for Art Purposes (EAP) Support
Get English help in your art and design classes
On-Campus English Support

On-campus students can get help with:
- Reviewing assignments and expectations
- Understanding instructor feedback and critiques
- Learning class vocabulary
- Preparing for presentations
- Editing written assignments for clarity and grammar
- Clarifying cultural background knowledge
How to get on-campus language support:
- Must be currently taking an EAP class or no more than one semester removed.
- Email: eapsupport@academyart.edu
Online English Support

Online students can get help with:
- Assignment instructions
- Reading from the modules
- Difficult vocabulary
- Cultural concepts
- Class policies/rules
- Organizing your ideas for discussions and essays
- Communicating effectively with your instructor
How to get online language support:
Class discussion:
- Look for a topic called Language and Writing Support.
- Write to your language support instructor in this discussion topic.
- Your language support instructor will email you at the beginning of the semester.
- You can always email your online language support instructor through class email. Your language support instructor will be listed in the class profiles along with your classmates.
Online English Support Request Form:
- If you do not have a language support instructor in your class, you can request help below. You may also click on Online ESL Support on the right side of your My Home page in your online class.
EAP Support Policy
Classes designated “EAP” in the course offerings will have an EAP Support Instructor assigned at the beginning of the semester. EAP support is currently available only to students who meet are currently enrolled in one of the following classes: EAP A/600A, EAP 1/601, EAP 2/602, EAP 3/603, EAP 4/604, LA 103, LA 106, EAP 605, or EAP 606or students who are no more than one semester removed from any of the above-listed classes. If there are no students who qualify for EAP support in an EAP designated class, that teacher will be re-assigned to a different class to help students who do qualify.
Students in classes with no EAP designation may also qualify for language support if they meet the criteria listed above. Students should ask their instructor to contact EAP Support to request further assistance. EAP students should make every attempt to enroll in EAP-designated art, design, graduate studies, and liberal arts classes if available. All students, domestic and international, may make use of the services of an EAP Support Instructor, including EAP study groups.
EAP support instructors are assigned for the duration of the semester unless:
- The content and the support instructor agree that all of the qualifying second language learners in the class can comprehend the class material, lecture, vocabulary, testing methods, and assignments on their own.
- If other support programs such as the Writing Lab, Speaking Lab, MFA Lab, or ARC Tutoring are available and appropriate to remedy language/content issues.
- Students refuse or are not utilizing language support and the content and the language instructor agrees to pull language support from the class.