Academy of Art University
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Industry FAQs

Industry FAQs

Get answers to your frequently asked questions below.

How do I hire an Academy of Art University student intern for school credit?

Academy of Art University runs on the semester system, so internships for credit can only commence at the beginning of Fall (early September) and Spring (late January) semesters respectively.

How can I recruit from Academy of Art University?

The best way to connect with our students and graduates is via the Academy of Art University Job Board.

Visit Our Job Board

Does Academy of Art University work with companies to match or recommend talent specific to my company’s needs?

Due to the volume of students and open positions we offer the Academy of Art Unviersity Job Board as the place to connect. Here you can list the specific talents and skills you seek. Whenever possible we do our best to broadcast openings to departments, student organizations, and the Academy of Art University Alumni Association.

Visit Our Job Board

Does Academy of Art University host Career Fairs?

We tailor recruiting events to the needs of our industry partners. Our mid semester industry on campus events are an opportunity to present your company to students, review portfolios, or conduct interviews. Additionally, our Winter Shows (December) and annual Spring Show (late May) offer hiring companies to connect one-on-one with our best emerging talent in all 25 majors.

Explore the Spring Show

Who recruits from Academy of Art University?

Academy of Art University graduates have gone on to work at some of the most revered and celebrated art and design firms worldwide. Select industry partners include Disney, Mercedes, PIXAR, MATTEL, Nike, Sony, BBDO, Abercrombie & Fitch, and Apple.

For a full list of where recent grads are working visit the applicable department.

Browse Academic Departments

Can you assist me in hiring an international Academy of Art University student for an internship?

If you’re interested in an international student for an internship, please have the student contact the University’s international department directly to establish their eligibility.

Who can I speak with about my recruiting needs?

Please email